Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday & Friday, Week #2


Today is our first major test of the class. The way the tests here work is we have a certain number of lessons (Chapters) per block, and then at the end of each block, we have the block test (go figure). Block 1 has information from lessons 1 through 8, so there's definitely a lot of information to be covered. Like I said before, our instructors do not administer our tests, in fact, they never even see the tests(because they are contractors). The FAA has a representative come to our class and give everyone the test, and then they are taken away for grading. So far, I have averaged about 99.5% on my lesson tests, so I was not too worried about the test. I ended up scoring 28/30, or 93.33%. One of the questions I missed was because of a silly mistake (reversing red/white in the question), and the other was me just not knowing the answer. Not too shabby for the first week of class. What's crazy, though, is that our next block test is on Wednesday, so the material really flies by quickly!

After we got our tests back (class average= 91%), we were into lessons 9 & 10: Airspace and Intro to the FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations). These lessons had a lot of information, but not exactly a lot of interesting stuff to learn. Needless to say, Thursday was a little painful to stay awake through. Some examples of the FAR's include defining the responsibilities of the Pilot in Command of an Aircraft (PIC), what are the basic weather minimums for certain types of flight, and many other regulations.

We continued into another lesson about the FARs, followed by the lesson about flight characteristics ("How Things Fly"). Although this unit was a little more interesting, it was all a review for me, as these lessons mirrored exactly the same stuff that I learned in Ground School 2 years ago. Its never a bad thing to relearn information, but lets just say that Friday was the closest I've come to falling asleep in class :) As usual for our class, we are progressing faster than the schedule indicuates, so we were able to "self-study" aka relax, for the last hour of Friday. Fun weekend coming up!

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