Sunday, November 8, 2009

Road Trip!!!

Early on, I decided that I would drive to Oklahoma instead of fly. Why would I want to drive for over 20 hours and 1000 miles?? Because I want to have a car here!! The last time I spent multiple months in a place without access to a vehicle was freshman year of college. I don't need to relive that experience...

So last Saturday, Michael, John, and I started our 2.5 day drive from Maryland to Oklahoma City. Our trip took us through MD, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
1300 Miles, 2 hotel rooms, and a ton of Chocolate Chip Cookies later, we arrived in Oklahoma City. Within 2 hours of arrival, John and Michael were back on a plane to Maryland.

A random sign from the road in Missouri:

...Yep, pretty much sums up our trip through the Midwest.

I'll post some details about my first 3 days of class soon! Gotta keep studying for now.


  1. Matthew,
    John and Micael made it home ok... They say you have a "sweet" deal in OK. Let us know if you forgot ourphone number and I'll send it to you:-)
    Love, Mommy and Daddy

  2. Matthew,

    We are eager to follow your journey! You can also follow ours at Ryan wants to know who is going to make her laugh at mass now that you're gone! She's so sad ... as are the rest of us. Happy for you, sad for us!

  3. How could you possibly talk about our road trip without mentioning Missouri and its "diversity" in billboards??? Glad to hear things are going well! We miss you though!
    ~ Michael

  4. Sorry Michael...I decided the blog needed to be family friendly. Pictures will be posted soon on Facebook...
